In the following, the defined structure of the NetCDF input file [run_id]_uv will be specified. An example input file can be found under .../model/tests/cases/urban_environment/INPUT/urban_environment_uv .


Following dimensions are defined in the UV input file. For the LOD1 approach, sun_zenith and wavelength are mandatory, while for the LOD2 approach sun_zenith, wavelength, view_azimuth and view_zenith are mandatory. The dimension size of view_azimuth and view_zenith must correspond to the discrete number of spherical angles along azimuth and zenith in the RTM (see raytrace_discrete_azims and raytrace_discrete_elevs in namelist radiation_parameters).

Dimension name Value Description
sun_zenith at least 2 number of sun-zenith angles. Recommended: >=90
wavelength 64 number of wavelength. Recommended: >= 120
view_azimuth at least 1 number of view azimuth angles. Recommended: >=60
view_zenith at least 1 number of view zenith angles. Recommended: >=90


Following variables are defined in the UV input file. For the LOD1 approach, uv_dir_irradiance and uv_diff_irradiance are mandatory, while for the LOD2 approach uv_radiance is mandatory. All variables are defined as NC_FLOAT.

Variable name Unit Dimension(s) Description
uv_dir_irradiance mW m-2 nm-1 (sun_zenith, wavelength) direct spectral irradiance
uv_diff_irradiance mW m-2 nm-1 (sun_zenith, wavelength) diffuse spectral irradiance
uv_radiance mW m-2 nm-1 sr-1 (sun_zenith, wavelength, view_zenith, view_azimuth ) spectral radiance