
This site is Work in Progress.

Note that the parameter lists given below will replace the soon to be deprecated (but still active) parameter list building_pars.


  • add descriptions for all static driver parameters/variables

Lists below show the parameters/variables allowed to be contained in the static driver file, sorted with respect to the respective modules.

Urban Surface Model#

Input Data#

This section gives an overview of all building surface parameter lists. These parameter lists will replace the soon to be deprecated (but still active) parameter list building_pars. In the following the abbreviation gfl indicates ground floor level and agfl indicates above-ground floor level. Following parameter lists are defined:


building_surface_type Description Unit
0 wall albedo type gfl -
1 wall albedo type agfl -
2 wall albedo type roof -
3 window albedo type gfl -
4 window albedo type agfl -
5 window albedo type roof -
6 green albedo type gfl -
7 green albedo type agfl -
8 green albedo type roof -


building_surface_type Description Unit
0 wall emissivity gfl -
1 wall emissivity agfl -
2 wall emissivity roof -
3 window emissivity gfl -
4 window emissivity agfl -
5 window emissivity roof -
6 green emissivity gfl -
7 green emissivity agfl -
8 green emissivity roof -


building_surface_type Description Unit
0 wall fraction gfl -
1 wall fraction agfl -
2 wall fraction roof -
3 window fraction gfl -
4 window fraction agfl -
5 window fraction roof -
6 green fraction gfl -
7 green fraction agfl -
8 green fraction roof -


building_general_par Description Unit
0 ground floor level height m
1 green type roof (2 extensive, 1 intensive) -


building_surface_type Description Unit
0 wall heat capacities gfl J/m3/K
1 wall heat capacities agfl J/m3/K
2 wall heat capacities roof J/m3/K
3 window heat capacities gfl J/m3/K
4 window heat capacities agfl J/m3/K
5 window heat capacities roof J/m3/K
6 green heat capacities gfl J/m3/K
7 green heat capacities agfl J/m3/K
8 green heat capacities roof J/m3/K

The values for the surface layers 1 (outermost) to 4 (innermost) are assigned using the building_surface_layer dimension in that order.


building_surface_type Description Unit
0 wall heat conductivities gfl W/m/K
1 wall heat conductivities agfl W/m/K
2 wall heat conductivities roof W/m/K
3 window heat conductivities gfl W/m/K
4 window heat conductivities agfl W/m/K
5 window heat conductivities roof W/m/K
6 green heat conductivities gfl W/m/K
7 green heat conductivities agfl W/m/K
8 green heat conductivities roof W/m/K

The values for the surface layers 1 (outermost) to 4 (innermost) are assigned using the building_surface_layer dimension in that order.


building_indoor_par Description Unit
0 indoor target summer temperature K
1 indoor target winter temperature K
2 shading factor -
3 g-value windows -
4 u-value windows W/m2/K
5 basic airflow without occupancy of the room (currently not used) h-1
6 additional airflow dependent on occupancy of the room (currently not used) h-1
7 heat recovery efficiency -
8 dynamic parameter specific effective surface m2/m2
9 dynamic parameter innner heat storage J/m2/K
10 ratio internal surface/floor area m2/m2
11 maximal heating capacity W
12 maximal cooling capacity W
13 additional internal heat gains dependent on occupancy of the room W/m2
14 basic internal heat gains without occupancy of the room W/m2
15 storey height m
16 ceiling construction height m
17 anthropogenic heat output factor for heating -
18 anthropogenic heat output factor for cooling -


building_surface_level Description Unit
0 LAI gfl m2/m2
1 LAI agfl m2/m2
2 LAI roof m2/m2


building_surface_level Description Unit
0 z0 gfl m
1 z0 agfl m
2 z0 roof m


building_surface_level Description Unit
0 z0h and z0q gfl m
1 z0h and z0q agfl m
2 z0h and z0q roof m


building_surface_type Description Unit
0 wall layer thicknesses gfl m
1 wall layer thicknesses agfl m
2 wall layer thicknesses roof m
3 window layer thicknesses gfl m
4 window layer thicknesses agfl m
5 window layer thicknesses roof m
6 green layer thicknesses gfl m
7 green layer thicknesses agfl m
8 green layer thicknesses roof m

The values for the surface layers 1 (outermost) to 4 (innermost) are assigned using the building_surface_layer dimension in that order.


building_surface_level Description Unit
0 window transmissivity gfl -
1 window transmissivity agfl -
2 window transmissivity roof -

Land Surface Model#

Input Data#

pavement_type(y,x) \ water_type(y,x) \ building_type(y,x) \ vegetation_type(y,x) \

Building Surface Model#

Input Data#

building_type(y,x) \ building_id(y,x) \

Cut-Cell Topography#

Input Data#

This section gives an overview of all required input data for the cut-cell topography representation.


Dimension Type Value Description
cct_max_num_vertices_per_face NC_INT 7 maximum number of vertices in cut cell polygon (fixed to 7)
dim_3d NC_INT 3 dimension of z,y,x coordinates (fixed to 3)
cct_dim_vertex_coords NC_INT 4 dimension for special coordinates used in ray-tracing algorithm
cct_dim_vertex_shifts NC_INT 1 dimension for special coordinates used in ray-tracing algorithm
cct_num_vert NC_INT - number of unique vertices in cut cell polygons
cct_num_faces NC_INT - number of cut cell faces


Variable Type Attributes Description
cct_vertices(dim_3d, cct_num_vert) NC_FLOAT long_name [z;y;x] coordinates of verticies
cct_vertex_coords(cct_dim_vertex_coords, cct_num_vert) NC_INT long_name Type of vertices coordinates for radiation module. Order: [k;j;i;dir], kji index of corner, dir direction: [0.+z; 1.-z; 2.+y; 3.-y; 4.+x; 5.-x]
cct_vertex_shifts(cct_dim_vertex_shifts, cct_num_vert) NC_FLOAT long_name Type of vertices coordinates for radiation module. Order: [len], len distance [corner; vertex]
NC_INT long_name list of vertices for each cut-cell surfaceface, ordered by Right-Hand-Rule
cct_face_center(dim_3d, cct_num_faces) NC_FLOAT long_name positions of cut-cell surface mass center, [z;y;x]
cct_3d_grid_indices(dim_3d, cct_num_faces) NC_INT long_name [k;j;i] location of cut-cell surfaces
cct_offsets(dim_3d, cct_num_faces) NC_INT long_name [k;j;i] offset of cut-cell surface (relates each surface to a building, required for setting properties)
cct_face_normal_vector(dim_3d, cct_num_faces) NC_FLOAT long_name [z;y;x] component of normalized normal vector
cct_face_area(cct_num_faces) NC_FLOAT long_name area of cut-cell surface
cct_num_vertices_per_face(cct_num_faces) NC_INT long_name number of vertices in each face
cct_surface_type_classification(cct_num_faces) NC_INT long_name
surface classification - natural-type: 0, building wall: 1, building roof: 2, default-type: 3
cct_vegetation_type_classification(cct_num_faces) NC_INT long_name
cut-cell specific surface definition for vegetation. For more info see vegetation_type
cct_pavement_type_classification(cct_num_faces) NC_INT long_name
cut-cell specific surface definition for pavement. For more info see pavement_type
cct_water_type_classification(cct_num_faces) NC_INT long_name
cut-cell specific surface definition for water. For more info see water_type
cct_building_type_classification(cct_num_faces) NC_INT long_name
cut-cell specific surface definition for building. For more info see building_type
cct_building_id_classification(cct_num_faces) NC_INT long_name
cut-cell specific surface definition for building's id. For more info see building_id