Point Source Emission Mode#

Pollutant sources found in, for instance, the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR) and the Gridding Emission Tool for ArcGIS (GRETA) can be specified using the point source emission mode. It can be activated by setting the value of the _p3d option emis_pt_source to .TRUE.. The point source emission mode is only available in LOD 0.

For each point source, annual aggreate emissions for a user-defined species can be specified, which will be converted into a temporally uniform volumetric source distributed over a user-defined vertical distance. The following options can be set, in the _p3d file, all of which carry the prefix emis_pt_source_:

_p3d option Default value Description
emis_pt_source_species_names None Names of chemical species
emis_pt_source_locations_ijk None Base cell coordinates (i,j,k) of each point source
emis_pt_source_annual_values 0 Annual aggregate of emission for all species at each point source
emis_pt_source_leap_year .FALSE. Leap year correction for annual aggregate distribution
emis_pt_source_k_spread 3 Number of vertical layers over which the point source is to be distributed
emis_pt_source_k_weights None Vertical distribution factors for all point sources

The name and order of the chemical species specified in emis_pt_source_speccies_names can be arbitrary, and dictates the species order in the annual aggregate values defined in emis_pt_source_source_annual_values. Species not found in the model active chemical mechanism will be ignored. All point sources emissions must be defined for all species at all source locations. Up to 99 species and 199 point source locations can be specified at any given model. Units for annual aggregate emissions are in mol/year for gas phase species, and kg/year for all PM species. If the model run takes place in a leap year, the option emis_pt_source_leap_year must be set to .TRUE..

The point sources can be distributed over a vertical distance of up to five layers using the option emis_pt_source_k_spread, with the bottommost location provided by each cell (i,j,k) location defined in emis_pt_source_locations_ijk. The manner of vertical distribution can be specified using the option emis_pt_source_k_weights. The factors will be automatically normalized so that the sum of all weights up to the value specified by emis_pt_source_k_spread will always be unity. When unspecified, the point source will be uniformly distributed across the specified vertical layers. The same distribution will be applied to all point sources.