Get Started#

A quick tutorial that gets you from downloading PALM all the way to analysing your first successful simulation.


This site is Work in Progress.


  • Requirements
  • Download
  • Installation
  • Usage
  • Analysis (short)

Software Requirements#

PALM is designed to run on Linux.

In order to successfully install PALM, please meet the following software requirements:

  • The bash shell (available at /bin/bash).
  • A recent Fortran and C++ Compiler (GNU, Intel, Cray, PGI, NEC).
  • The build automation tools cmake and make (for library detection and build coordination).
  • The Message Passing Interface (MPI) library with MPI-3 support (compiled with the same compiler as PALM).
  • A NetCDF library not earlier than 3.6.3 (compiled with the same Compiler as PALM).
  • The FFT library FFTW (PALM also comes with a build-in FFT but with less performance).
  • Python 3 (needed by the GUI and other helper routines).
  • PyQt5 (needed by the GUI).
  • The graphic-package NCL from NCAR (needed by the data visualization tool palmplot).
  • The FLEX library BISON parser generator (needed by the chemistry tool kpp4palm)

Very important: It is essential that your NetCDF and MPI library has been built with the same Fortran compiler that is used to compile PALM. Furthermore, in case of a NetCDF4 library with parallel I/O support, the NetCDF library needs to be build with the same MPI library as used for compiling PALM.


Please download PALM by clicking on "Download PALM" in the top right corner of this documentation website. You can choose between several archive formats. Unpack PALM to the directory you would like to work in (please ensure that file permissions are preserved) and follow the installation steps as described in the next section.


First make sure to satisfy the Software Requirements. On Debian-based Linux Distributions this can be achieved by the following command:

sudo apt-get install gfortran g++ make cmake coreutils libopenmpi-dev openmpi-bin libnetcdff-dev netcdf-bin libfftw3-dev python3-pip python3-pyqt5 flex bison ncl-ncarg

Also some additional python dependencies are needed, which can be installed using pip. In case you wand to use a virtual environment for these dependencies, please make sure to create one first. Afterwards you can install the python dependencies by executing the following command:

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Now the PALM model system can be installed with the following commands (please replace <install-prefix> with the desired installation directory):

export install_prefix="<install-prefix>"
bash install -p ${install_prefix}
export PATH=${install_prefix}/bin:${PATH}

The following optional command permanently adds this installation to your bash environment:

echo "export PATH=${install_prefix}/bin:\${PATH}" >> ~/.bashrc

Type bash install -h to get all available option of the install script. During installation the script calls the respective install script of all packages in this repository and installs them to the chosen <install-prefix> directory. Therefore, it is not necessary to manually install any of the packages.

You can test your installation with the following commands:

palmtest --cases urban_environment_restart --cores 4


After a successful installation the executables for all packages have been linked into the directory <install-prefix>/bin and a default PALM configuration file can be found at <install-prefix>/.palm.config.default. In case you have installed the python dependencies inside a virtual environment, that environment needs to be active whenever you wand to use PALM. For usage of each of the packages, please refer to their individual documentation. Next, you need to create your first PALM setup in order to start a simulation. To get a simple preconfigured setup and start your first PALM simulation, please execute the following sequence of commands:

mkdir -p "${install_prefix}/JOBS/example_cbl/INPUT"
cp "packages/palm/model/tests/cases/example_cbl/INPUT/example_cbl_p3d" "${install_prefix}/JOBS/example_cbl/INPUT/"
cd ${install_prefix}
palmrun -r example_cbl -c default -a "d3#" -X 4 -v -z
