

This site is Work in Progress.

First activation of nesting in a restart run#

In order to save computational resources, childs can be activated after the root domain has advanced for a specific time interval.

First prepare the namelist files for root and child domains for an initial run as well as a restart run.

Omit the nesting_parameters namelist in the _p3d file of the root domain only, and choose end_time as the time when the nesting shall be activated. The _p3dr file of the root domain must contain the nesting_parameters namelist. Start the initial run via command

palmrun .... -a "d3# restart"

Set end_time in the _p3dr file of the root domain and the _p3d files of all childs to the desired value. Start a restart run via command

palmrun .... -a "d3r activate_nesting"

The run will take the _p3dr file of the root domain, but the _p3d files of all childs.

Further restart runs may be carried out via command

palmrun .... -a "d3r"

Keep in mind to always use activation string restart to store restart data for the next restart run.

Notes, shortcommings and open issues#

  1. So far, using a spin-up for child domains is not allowed (see spinup_time).